Aug 19th - 23rd | 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
$450 (Supplies Included)

This is a weeklong course where dessert becomes a canvas for your imagination! In this immersive course, we will embark on a journey through the intersection of art and sweet delights. From crafting delectable treats to exploring the stories behind iconic artworks, prepare to unleash your creativity in the kitchen. Throughout the week, students will not only hone their artistic skills but also deepen their appreciation for art and art history. Join us for a week of delicious discoveries and artistic expression. (Ages 8 - 13)

Monday, Aug 19th | 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Vincent Van Gogh: The Art of Cookie Decoration
Discover the artistry behind Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night and his style of painting, students will use a cookie as a canvas. Going through the process of sketching, transferring the image and “painting” using a palette knife, Van Gogh’s iconic texture will be accomplished through frosting. Students will transform simple cookies into edible masterpieces.

Tuesday, Aug 20th | 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Andy Goldsworthy: Edible Terrariums
Andy Goldsworthy, famous for his landworks and use of nature, students will learn about composition and color. Dive into the world of edible terrariums as we combine the whimsy of cake pops with the beauty of miniature landscapes. Students will sculpt and decorate cake pops, rice Krispies and other edible delights to resemble succulents, rocks, and other elements of nature. Explore the art of presentation as you assemble your edible masterpiece.

Wednesday, Aug 21st | 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
René Magritte: Surrealism Cookie Painting
Edible painting through the artistry of Rene Magritte. Famous for his self-portrait Son of Man, students will create their own self-portrait. A group discussion will be had about surrealism and how to create your own painting. Using edible paints and referencing their own drawings, students will transform their cookie into a canvas. Bring your imagination to life through vibrant colors.

Thursday, Aug 22nd | 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Claus Oldenburg: Food Sculpture Illusions
Unleash your sculpting skills in this hands-on session dedication to edible illusions. Using fondant, cake, rice krispie and other materials students will learn how to sculpt intricate sculptures transforming it into food. Creating a burger with fries or an apple pie, the world is your oyster!

Friday, Aug 23rd | 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Jeff Koons Balloon Dog Candy Mosaic
Wrap up the week with a celebration of culinary creativity. In this final session, students will use various candy to create their very own mosaic. Using Jeff Koon’s iconic balloon dog, students will study pop and contemporary art.

NY Cake Academy classes are held in our Manhattan flagship at 118 W 22nd St. All supplies and materials included, but if you require any special accomodations please don't hesitate to contact us at Our classes are hands-on, interactive experiences. So, please dress accordingly. We recommend wearing casual clothing that you won’t mind getting a little sugar on, and flat comfortable shoes. Open toed shoes and sandals are not recommended as this is a safety concern when working within a kitchen. Long hair should be tied back.


Whether you are an amateur baker looking to gain some valuable new knowledge, on the lookout for some fun (and delicious) activities here in New York, or a professional ready to level-up your skills and capabilities—there is a class for everyone at NY Cake Academy!